SEMINAR – Recent groundbreaking innovations in experimental research in wave tank facilities
Following the first successful “COB seminar” on October 20th 2017, the consortium UGent – KU Leuven – Flanders Hydraulics Research organized on February 6th 2020 a second seminar focusing on recent innovations in experimental research in a wave tank facility.
The Coastal & Ocean Basin (COB) forms, jointly with the new towing tank, the Flanders Maritime Laboratory (in Dutch “Maritiem Onderzoekscentrum”), and has the ambition to be internationally active in areas such as coastal and offshore engineering, renewable ocean energy and building with nature.
During the second COB seminar, a status update of both the new wave basin “COB” and the shallow water towing tank was given, followed by experiences of local and international recent innovations in wave tank research, presented by 18 experts from industry, government and academia. Five international keynote speakers presented their experience with state-of-the-art achievements related to wave tanks.
The purpose of this seminar was to create a scientific platform to exchange knowledge and expertise of experimental modelling, in the framework of the start up of the COB.
The organization, the 18 speakers and the more than 100 participants are looking back to a very successful day and are already looking forward to the 3rd Coastal and Ocean Basin Seminar within 2 years! Meanwhile, you can follow all updates of the COB on .