PROJECT: BlueBioClusters
BlueBioClusters project is supported by EU Horizon funds which will focus on supporting and increasing the uptake of sustainable blue bioeconomy business opportunities in uropean (coastal) regions. The role of Bluebridge will be stimulating and guiding start-ups to take further steps in their development to become part of the Blue bio economy ecosystem in the Flemish region as well as interacting with other European regions.
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Co-funded by Interreg we will look at new smart digital operations to reduce by 10% the time of several port operations and lower by 10% the pollution of port activities though green investments.
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This Interreg project created collaboration between techno-start ups and companies across the border to prepare market-ready products.
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Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme this projects will formulate and evaluate business solutions and policy recommendations aimed at improving the coastal-rural synergy.