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Save the date! December 20th


Presentation policy note with action plan for the blue economy in the Central Coast region


09:30 am: Welcome and Coffee Reception
10:00 am: Introduction

Welcome by Mayor Bart Tommelein, followed by an official moment with the presence of mayors and general directors from the Middenkust region.
10:25 am: Presentation of the ambition note to support the blue economy in and from the Middenkust region
by Veerle Willaert, policy coordinator for the blue economy, City of Ostend
10:50 am: Explanation of the annual action plan for 2024
11:10 am: Discussion with partners willing to play an active role in realizing the blue ambitions in the region.
Liesbet Billiet, process facilitator on behalf of Mondea, will moderate the discussion.
11:40 am: Q&A Session
11:50 am: Closing remarks by Councilor Charlotte Verkeyn
12:00 pm: Networking Lunch
01:30 pm: End

  • 20/12/2023
  • Bluebridge, Ostend Science Park, Wetenschapspark 1, Oostende
  • Organized by Stad Oostende
Invitation only